Public Notice:

WCD Board Meetings are currently being held in person, with a zoom option. Members of the public are encouraged to participate via zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 851 9456 3736

One tap mobile: +13017158592,,85194563736#

Call from landline: (312) 626-6799, Meeting ID: 851 9456 3736

Please contact Jay Riggs, WCD District Manager, if you have any questions at

Board meetings are held at the WCD office on the second Tuesday of each month at 3:30pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend. Board meeting agendas will be posted on this web-page when they are available, and meeting minutes will be posted after they have been approved.

Prior years' agendas and minutes can be requested by contacting the WCD at 651-330-8220 x 2248.

WCD Annual Plans, Budgets, & Audits

Prior years' reports can be requested by contacting the WCD at 651-330-8220 x 2248.

Annual & Comprehensive Plans

Click for our 2022-2027 Comprehensive Plan

*The Lower St. Croix Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan, approved in Oct. 2020, has been adopted as the WCD comp plan for the Lower St. Croix portion of our county.

SWCD Aid Funding

2023 Guidelines on Use of SWCD Aid Payments