Seasonal Maintenance Guide: Stormwater Best Management Practices
Directions for Google Download:
Click button and Sign in to your google account
You will be promoted if you would like to “Add calendar”
Let us do the thinking! Enjoy your monthly reminders that will help you to stay on top of your BMP maintenance.
Directions for Outlook Download:
Click button. Once the calendar file has downloaded, click to open.
If your outlook account is open, it will automatically add the BMP Maintenance calendar. So simple!
If your calendar doesn’t immediately open, go to the ‘File’ tab on your outlook account, go to ‘Open’, and select ‘Open Calendar’.
Select the BMP Maintenance calendar file from your download folder and it will automatically open.
Let us do the thinking! Enjoy your monthly reminders that will help you to stay on top of your BMP maintenance.
Here are some basic maintenance tips for your raingarden or native planting throughout the year. However, if you ever need additional help don't hesitate to call us (651-330-8220). We have water resource professionals who are available to help you problem solve erosion issues, suggest plant replacements, and assist with weed identification.