Learn strategies for protecting lakes, rivers, and wildlife habitat in small communities and rural areas of the Lower St. Croix Watershed. During this workshop, participants will learn about tools available to help small communities guide where and how development happens, as well as strategies for promoting conservation in rural and agricultural areas.
This workshop is specially designed for local decision-makers such as city councils, planning commissions, township boards, county commissioners, SWCD and watershed board members, and other local leaders.
Topics will include:
Strategies and approaches available to communities to help guide development and sustainable resource management
Promoting conservation in rural and agricultural areas
Showcasing local and regional ag producer efforts to adopt conservation practices
There is no cost to attend but please register in advance so we know how much food to order for the event. Register at https://tinyurl.com/stcroixwowland.
This workshop series is offered in partnership by the East Metro Water Education Program (EMWREP), Lower St. Croix Watershed Partnership, National Park Service, Minnesota DNR, Wisconsin DNR, Polk County, St. Croix County, Washington County, Chisago SWCD, Isanti SWCD, Washington CD, Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix WD, and Middle St. Croix WMO.