Are you unclear on how to budget for and properly maintain stormwater and green infrastructure practices such as ponds, raingardens, and conservation easements in your Homeowner Association (HOA)?
Do you understand city and watershed requirements related to stormwater maintenance?
Are there resources and tools that could help to make your life easier?
Sign-up to participate in a 1-hour focus group session on January 5 or 9, 2024 from 12-1pm, via Zoom. All participants will receive a $30 gift card. These sessions are only for HOA board members. Contact Hannah Peterson at for more information.
Your input will help us to develop educational materials to better support HOAs in maintaining stormwater and green infrastructure in order to meet local requirements, protect water resources, and reduce long-term maintenance costs. We anticipate having new resources available to share with you in 2024.
This project is funded by the Minnesota Sea Grant College Program with funds from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the Minnesota Water Resources Center, in partnership with the Minnesota Stormwater Research Council and the Minnesota Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment.