Learn about pollinators in 3-part webinar series
Register at: z.umn.edu/BeeSeries
You have planted flowers and created a pollinator habitat… now what? What kinds of insects are visiting your property? How do we keep our pollinators safe?
Learn more from UMN Extension Educators in this 3-part FREE webinar series, from 1-2:30 pm daily on Jan. 30, 31 and Feb. 1. The webinars cover: how to help pollinators, pollinator insect identification, and integrated pest management practices (focusing on non-chemical practices).
Wednesday, Jan. 31st: Pollinator ID - Dr. Elaine Evans, UMN Extension Professor and Researcher in Native Pollinators Learn to recognize common insect flower visitors that you can find in your pollinator garden, including miner bees, mason bees, and bumble bees, as well as flies, wasps, and butterflies. You will also learn to ID some bumble bees to species, including the endangered rusty patched bumble bee.
Register once to receive access to each topic; the Zoom link will be emailed after registration. If unable to attend the live sessions, a link to the recordings will be emailed after Feb. 2.