Protecting our Lakes and groundwater through successful partnerships and projects.
Over the past three years, partners in Forest Lake have leveraged state and local funding and worked together to minimize the impacts to lakes, rivers, and groundwater from stormwater runoff. This workshop will feature:
- The new enhanced street sweeping program to prevent & minimize water pollution
- Innovative stormwater harvest and reuse systems at the Forest Lake Area High School and Forest Hills Golf Club
- Dinner followed by a discussion to explore and identify future projects.
Who should attend?
- Forest Lake City Council; planning commission;Parks, Trails & Lakes Commission; Staff
- Comfort Lake-Forest Lake Watershed District board members, staff, and CAC members
- Rice Creek Watershed District board members, staff, and CAC members
- Clear Lake and Forest Lake Lake Association board members
- Washington County and Washington Conservation District - District 1 Representatives
- State Agency liasons
Registration is required by Wednesday, September 5th!
Space is limited. Dinner is included. there is no cost for the program, however your commitment to attend is appreciated.
You can register online here or by contacting Larisa Jenrich (; 651-480-7732) *Registration requires your name, affiliation, phone, email, and dietary restrictions