Why Should you attend?
Are you responsible for inspecting storm sewer pipes and responding to complaints? Do you have an NPDES MS4 permit with Illicit Discharge (IDDE) requirements? This half day workshop will cover topics on illicit discharge relevant to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency NPDES Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Permit. This event will provide a basic overview of IDDE, how to approach a suspected illicit discharge, and how to respond to suspected discharges. Attendees of this workshop will qualify for 2 PDHs.
Who should attend?
This seminar is for municipal staff who are responsible for NPDES MS4 Permit IDDE compliance. Municipal maintenance staff who are routinely in the field will also benefit from this training.
Date and Location
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Washington Conservation District
455 Hayward Ave N
Oakdale MN 55128
9:00 am to 11:30 am
The workshop registration fee is $35. This fee includes the training workbook materials. Assistance with keeping program fees low has been made available through the East Metro Water Resource Education Program. Register at www.erosion.umn.edu