Cameron Blake, Natural Resource Specialist
Email Me 651-796-2258

Responsibilities: Coordinating the Stormwater BMP Maintenance program, assisting the Brown’s Creek Watershed District with communication and administrative tasks, and implementing urban soil health and urban forestry assistance.

Education:  B.S. Environmental Sciences, Policy, and Management with a focus in Conservation Resource Management from the University of Minnesota. M.S. Land and Atmospheric Science with a minor in Water Resources Science from the University of Minnesota.

Certifications and Awards: Certified Tree Inspector, DNR. Erosion Control and Stormwater Management certified Construction Installer, U of MN Extension. Pesticide Applicator Categories A and J, Minnesota Department of Agriculture. Stormwater Practice Maintenance certification, U of MN Extension. Wetland Delineator In-Training, Wetland Delineator Certification Program, U of MN. Wildland Firefighter Type 2, Federal Red Card System Member. Chainsaw Training, Minnesota-Iowa Conservation Corps.